Discover more about our mission in Europe by exploring our videos, music and more.
Welcome to the home of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in Europe.
As Jesus called Saint Francis to renew the Church in his day, today we are co-operating with Jesus in the renewal of His Church.
If you also care about the renewal of the Church and want to play your part in the New Evangelisation, please consider serving with us or supporting our work.
Following an audit of our Safeguarding practices, the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency have published a baseline report. If you have any questions or would like more information, please visit our safeguarding page.
Community, connection and formation. Here’s everything that’s coming up at our friaries.
Adoration at the Friary that is open to all.
64 Delmege Park Moyross, Limerick City, Ireland
Friar Benet’s Kitchen needs regular volunteers to operate smoothly. If you would like to volunteer, just get in touch with us!
St Margaret & All Saints' Church, Canning Town, 79 Barking Rd, London, E16 4HB
These talks are open to all who want to explore Franciscan spirituality. They take place after 12pm Mass every first Sunday of the month.
St Margaret & All Saints' Church, Canning Town, 79 Barking Rd, London, E16 4HB
Do you feel called to our way of life? Here is how you can discern and explore your vocation with us.