Discipleship days, prayer groups, service projects, ministry nights and more.
Adoration at the Friary that is open to all.
64 Delmege Park Moyross, Limerick City, Ireland
Teaching, testimonies, guest speakers, small groups, soccer and pizza. Our friars are also available for confession or 1-to-1s,
47 Delmege Park, Moyross, Limerick City, Ireland
A space for men to journey together in faith and healing, including some teaching, prayer and time to just hang out with each other.
47 Delmege Park, Moyross, Limerick City, Ireland
Tuesdays | 11:00 - 14:00
Wednesdays, Fortnightly | 19:30 - 21:30
Tuesday (during the school year) | 19:30 - 21:00
A night run in partnership with ‘Home for the Harvest’ young adults for local teens to socialise and grow in faith together.
Tuesdays (during the school year) | 15:00 - 16:30
This club brings children together 6 - 12 years old at the Apostolic Centre to make friends, play football and learn about prayer. We also organise periodic trips and have a summer camp in July.
Thursdays (during the school year) | 19:30 - 21:00
This club brings together teens at the Apostolic Centre for football, pizza and small groups. We regularly have guest speakers and friars are always available for confessions or for one-to-one conversations.
Wednesdays (fortnightly) | 19:30 - 21:00
Our Young Adult Prayer Group meets on Wednesday nights for prayer and ministry at the friary. This includes times of adoration, praise and worship, teaching, a time of intercessory prayer and benediction. While that’s going on, our Friars hear confessions and there is often a prayer ministry team available too.
We are based in the neighbourhood of Moyross, which has suffered from a long history of poverty and violence. We aim to bring the peace of Jesus to these streets. Already we are beginning to see radical change here.
God has called us to work with youth in particular, to help them to break out of negative cycles, find healing and journey into adulthood.
We are also working to kickstart local renewal by visiting schools and doing parish and home missions.
Our friars serving in
St Patrick Friary
Fr Joseph is the Servant of St Patrick Friary, Limerick.
Fr Oisin serves at St Patrick Friary, Limerick.
Fr Columba serves at St Patrick Friary, Limerick.
Fr Bernardino serves at St Patrick Friary, Limerick.
We always welcome any help with our youth work, so if you have a passion for working with kids and want to support our work, just get in touch with us below to begin the process. All volunteers must be vetted by the diocese.
We are also looking for volunteers to help us with our retreats, adoration nights and street ministry.
All of our initiatives and ministries are only made possible because of donations. If you can support our work, please consider giving.
Want to connect with a friar or a friary? Here’s how you can reach us.
47 Delmege Park, Limerick, Ireland, V94 AWR0